.. _otherparsers: ************* Other parsers ************* .. currentmodule:: HTSeq .. doctest:: :hide: >>> import HTSeq ``VCF_Reader`` and ``VariantCall`` ================================== VCF is a text file format (most likely stored in a compressed manner). It contains meta-information lines, a header line, and then data lines each containing information about a position in the genome. There is an option whether to contain genotype information on samples for each position or not. See the definitions at .. `1000genomes Project VCF _` .. `1000genomes Project VCF for structural variants _' As usual, there is a parser class, called **VCF_Reader**, that can generate an iterator of objects describing the structural variant calls. These objects are of type :class:`VariantCall` and each describes one line of a VCF file. See below for an example. .. class:: VCF_Reader( filename_or_sequence ) As a subclass of :class:`FileOrSequence`, VCF_Reader can be initialized either with a file name or with an open file or another sequence of lines. When requesting an iterator, it generates objects of type :class:`VariantCall`. .. attribute:: VCF_Reader.metadata VCF_Reader skips all lines starting with a single '#' as this marks a comment. However, lines starying with '##' contain meta data (Information about filters, and the fields in the 'info'-column). .. function:: parse_meta( header_filename = None ) The VCF_Reader normally does not parse the meta-information and also the :class:`VariantCall` does not contain unpacked metainformation. The function parse_meta reads the header information either from the attached :class:`FileOrSequence` or from a file connection being opened to a provided 'header-filename'. This is important if you want to access sample-specific information for the :class`VariantCall`s in your .vcf-file. .. function:: make_info_dict( ) This function will parse the info string and create the attribute :attr:`infodict` which contains a dict with key:value-pairs containig the type-information for each entry of the :class:`VariantCall`'s info field. .. class:: VariantCall( line, nsamples = 0, sampleids=[] ) A VariantCall object always contains the following attributes: .. attribute:: VariantCall.alt The alternative base(s) of the :class:`VariantCall`. This is a list containing all called alternatives. .. attribute:: VariantCall.chrom The Chromosome on which the :class:`VariantCall` was called. .. attribute:: VariantCall.filter This specifies if the :class:`VariantCall` passed all the filters given in the .vcf-header (value=PASS) or contains a list of filters that failed (the filter-id's are specified in the header also). .. attribute:: VariantCall.format Contains the format string specifying which per-sample information is stored in :attr:`VariantCall.samples`. .. attribute:: VariantCall.id The id of the :class:`VariantCall`, if it has been found in any database, for unknown variants this will be ".". .. attribute:: VariantCall.info This will contain either the string version of the info field for this :class:`VariantCall` or a dict with the parsed and processed info-string. .. attribute:: VariantCall.pos A :class:`HTSeq.GenomicPosition` that specifies the position of the :class:`VariantCall`. .. attribute:: VariantCall.qual The quality of the :class:`VariantCall`. .. attribute:: VariantCall.ref The reference base(s) of the :class:`VariantCall`. .. attribute:: VariantCall.samples A dict mapping sample-id's to subdicts which use the :attr:`VariantCall.format` as keys to store the per-sample information. .. function:: VariantCall.unpack_info( infodict ) This function parses the info-string and replaces it with a dict rperesentation if the infodict of the originating VCF_Reader is provided. Example Workflow for reading the dbSNP in VCF-format (obtained from `dbSNP _`): .. doctest:: >>> vcfr = HTSeq.VCF_Reader( "00-All.vcf.gz" ) #doctest: +SKIP >>> vcfr.parse_meta() #doctest: +SKIP >>> vcfr.make_info_dict() #doctest: +SKIP >>> for vc in vcfr: #doctest: +SKIP ... print vc, 1:10327:'T'->'C' 1:10433:'A'->'AC' 1:10439:'AC'->'A' 1:10440:'C'->'A' *FIXME* The example above is not run, as the example file is still missing! Wiggle Reader ============= The `Wiggle format`_ (file extension often ``.wig``) is a format to describe numeric scores assigned to base-pair positions on a genome. The class :class:`WiggleReader` is parser for such files. .. _`Wiggle format`: http://genome.ucsc.edu/goldenPath/help/wiggle.html .. class:: WiggleReader( filename_or_sequence, verbose=True ) The class is instatiated with the file name of a Wiggle file, or a sequence of lines in Wiggle format. A ``WiggleReader`` object generates an iterator, which yields pairs of the form ``(iv, score)``, where ``iv`` is a :class:`GenomicInterval` object and ``score`` is a ``float`` with the score that the file assigns to the specified interval. If ``verbose`` is set to True, the user is alerted to skipped lines (comments or ``browser`` lines) by a message printed to the standard output. BED Reader ========== The `BED format`_ is a format originally used to describe gene models but is also commonly used to describe other genomic features. .. _`BED format`: http://genome.ucsc.edu/FAQ/FAQformat.html#format1 .. class:: BED_Reader(filename_or_sequence) The class is instatiated with the file name of a BED file, or a sequence of lines in BED format. A ``BED_Reader`` object generates an iterator, which yields a :class:`GenomicFeature` object for each line in the BED file (except for lines starting with ``track``, which are skipped). The attributes of the yielded ``GenomicFeature`` objects are as follows: ``iv`` a :class:`GenomicInterval` object with the coordinates as given by the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 6th column of the BED file. If the BED file has less than 6 columns, the strand is set to "``.``". ``name`` the name of feature as given in the 4th column, or ``unnamed``, if the file has only three columns ``type`` always the string ``BED line`` ``score`` a float with the score as given by the 5th column (or ``None`` if the BED file has less 5 columns). ``thick`` a :class:`GenomicInterval` object containg the "thick" part of the feature, as specified by the 6th and 7th column, with chromosome and strand copied from ``iv`` (or ``None`` if the BED file has less 7 columns). ``itemRgb`` a list of three ``int`` values, taken from the 8th column (``None`` if the BED file has less 8 columns). In a BED file, this triple is meant to specify the colour in which the feature should be drawn in a browser. BigWig Reader ============= The `BigWig format`_ is a binary, compressed version of both Wiggle and bedGraph. ``HTSeq`` supports it via `pyBigWig`_ (a great library, btw, thank you!), mainly for use with :class:`GenomicArray` instances, i.e. sparse data on genomic intervals. .. _`BigWig format`: http://genome.ucsc.edu/goldenPath/help/bigWig.html .. _`pyBigWig`: https://github.com/deeptools/pyBigWig .. class:: BigWig_Reader(filename) This class is instantiated with the name of or path to a BigWig file. The file is opened upon instantiation, and the class can be used as a context manager (i.e. using "with"). Methods .. method:: BigWig_Reader.chroms() Return the list of chromosomes and their lengths, as a dictionary. Example: bw.chroms() -> {'chr1': 4568999, 'chr2': 87422, ...} .. method:: intervals(self, chrom, strand='.', raw=False) Lazy iterator over genomic intervals Args: ``chrom (str)``: The chromosome/scaffold to find intervals for. ``strand ('.', '+', or '-')``: Strandedness of the yielded :class:`GenomicInterval`. If raw=True, this argument is ignored. ``raw (bool)``: If ``True``, return the raw triplet from pyBigWig. If ``False``, return the result wrapped in a GenomicInterval with the appropriate strandedness.